February 26, 2008

For He spake, and it was done: He commanded, and it stood fast. Throughout the Bible we are called upon to believe in Jesus Christ and to believe God's Word. To believe is to accept as true. It's the mental act of placing your trust or confidence in a person or thing. Believing is to think, to judge, and to expect something is true.

Jesus is our example to show us how we should believe. He accepted God's Word for His will for His life. In the synagogue He read, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach...the acceptable year of the Lord." He then proclaimed, "This day is this scripture fulfilled..." Jesus believed the truth shall make you free. In the wilderness, during the temptation of the devil, Jesus put His confidence in God's Word and the devil left Him. Jesus' trust in God's Word brought joy, boldness, and an encouragement for others to believe. He rejoiced at Lazarus' tomb, knowing that the Father never left Him, that the Father always hears His prayers, and the other could see His faith and believe.

As followers of Christ, we have rewards when we believe the Bible. Simeon, who waited for the consolation of Israel, was told that he should not see death before he has seen the Lord's Christ. He saw his expectation of salvation when he was present in the temple when Mary presented Jesus to the Lord. The centurion's faith was praised when he put his confidence in the Word of Jesus to heal his servant. Paul's belief in God's Word brought joy, boldness, and a desire for others to believe. When at sea, and the angel told him not to fear for God had given him all that sail with him, he advised the others to "be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me."

Let us not walk in unbelief, putting our confidence in ourselves as Peter often did in the Scriptures. Let us not accept the "mountains" as true, as did the twelve spies when God had promised a land of milk and honey. Nor let us be like the rich man who lifted up his eyes in hell because he did not believe Moses and the prophets.

We are to be known as believers. God's Word is rich with promises that we can claim as our own! Let us abide in the simplicity of believing. Let us have the mind of Christ and remember that the true source of our strength, success, and believing comes from the Lord.


Maggie Ann said...

Thank you!...I needed this message. Its so easy to lose sight of the wonderful word of God, with all the distractions even of homemaking.

Apples of Gold said...

We're so happy you were blessed by this article. God bless you and thank you for your comment!