Follow me in having compassion. Is our care and concern for others drawing the lost or are we acting like Nabal showing disregard to the needs of others. Jesus had compassion. He wept over Israel. He called out the legions that had controlled the demoniac, he stood still to hear the beggar's cry and he loved the rich young ruler who had turned away. A little maid had compassion on Naaman and sent him to the prophet of God in Samaria. Paul following Jesus' example wept over the lost, shouted out to the centurion jailer to do thyself no harm and he reasoned with Felix.
Follow me in prayer. Are we praying for the lost as the Syrophonecian women pleaded with Jesus for her daughter or are we acting like the Pharisee who prayed to himself and whose prayers went unheard. Jesus persevered in prayer. He prayed for Peter because Satan desired to sift him as wheat. He prayed before Lazarus’s tomb for all to hear. He prayed all night before calling his apostles. And he encouraged his disciples to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers. The church following his example tarried ten days before the day of Pentecost. And Paul who prayed for those in the churches and who had encouraged them to pray for him that utterance may be given unto him and he would have boldness in preaching the gospel.
Follow me in the knowledge of the word of God. Are we going forth bearing precious seed or are we in error, not knowing the scriptures? Jesus, in the synagogue, preached from the book of Esaias. He expounded, to the woman at the well, on her knowledge from the word of God showing her need for and that he was the coming messiah. He discussed the necessity of regeneration with Nicodemus. He encouraged the disciples to abide in his word, the word he had given them from the Father, to be bearers of fruit. Phillip followed Jesus’ example as he preached Christ to the Ethiopian eunuch. And Stephen's knowledge of the word of God cut to the hearts of the chief priest.
Follow me with a spirit that refuses to quit. Are we persevering as the widow woman to the unjust judge or are we acting like Ahab who when he did not get Naboth's vineyard quit and laid down on his bed. Jesus had a spirit that refused to quit. He did what needed to be done. He told his disciples He must go through Samaria—and through Samaria He went! When rejected, He went on to other towns seeking to save the lost. He set his face like a flint going to the cross and crying out it is finished. And he commanded the church to go comforting them with his promise, Llo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."
Let us strive to follow Jesus in becoming a fisher of men. Let us share the gospel with others showing them the gift of eternal life for we shall doubtless come again rejoicing. And remember that the true source of our strength, success and crown of righteousness comes from the Lord.